I found the beach scene really fun to shoot. It was well organised; we gathered our equipment at around 3 and met Anna schofield, our actress, at Clapham Junction before travelling to Waterloo by train.
The walking home sequence proved to be quite difficult in terms of arranging everyone (me, Emma, Blake, Anna Schofield, Helena Eades, Joanna Murray, Emmy Pollock, Lara Redmayne) to be in the same place at the same time wearing the right outfits. I brought the props and clothes for our characters and we met at the 'club' in Clapham that our actresses would walk out of. We then travelled to our final setting which was the alleyway. As people needed to get home the process was quite rushed and stressful, bearing in mind this was before we realised the camera wasn't recording any sound.
Overall, I think the filming went well, but the beach scene was most enjoyable to shoot because of how well it had been planned out and how easy it was to manage a smaller group compared to 8 people, or with the club scene around 15-20.

Overall, I think the filming went well, but the beach scene was most enjoyable to shoot because of how well it had been planned out and how easy it was to manage a smaller group compared to 8 people, or with the club scene around 15-20.