How does your media product represent particular social groups?
Transcript, if video doesn't play:
- Our production includes a broad range of actors, including gay actors to emphasise the level of modern sociability and the broad range of people in which this group socialises with. This builds to our main representation of this social group as social, which adds to the feeling of solitude in the first scene where the main character sits on her own, in contrast to the other scenes which involve large levels of sociability.
- Our opening shots show a young girl sitting on her own by a river. From the way she is dressed, we can deduce that this individual comes from a relatively wealthy background due to her expensive looking clothing and jewellery.
- We attempt to create an image of a stereotypical girl in her late teens still dressed as she was the night before in order to show that she has not returned home yet
- The music used in the club scene incorporates a sample of Beyonce (Me Myself and I) and Aphex Twin in an attempt to create a piece of music that would demonstrate what a typical teenage girl would listen to - modern pop combined with old school house
- Our representation of youth in our production is carefree and irresponsible. This is shown in our production by including many shots of people finishing their drinks to suggest excessive drinking as well as the use of the girl throwing up following the clubbing sequence.
- Our clubbing sequence includes shadier looking characters such as the man wearing a hat and hood to disguise his face to incorporate different social groups besides our main one, We do not put much emphasise on this character but include him as a suspect for the crime which gets committed. This rougher character represents a typical south London youth, showing aggression and violence towards our main character in an attempt to draw a negative response from the viewer.
- It is unclear as to the age of the girls in the production however it is easy to assume late teens as they appear young, but are involving themselves in adult themes such as clubbing and drinking and flirting with older men. In this aspect we can compare our characters to the girls in Skins, who are similar in the sense that they are irresponsible and act as adults despite being quite immature and over dramatic.
- We emphasise on the fact that our characters are relatively young as our character is being phoned by her mother and has to explain why she hasn't returned home yet. This is done in order to achieve an accurate representation of this particular age group, which is old enough to be out socialising with friends, however still somewhat reliant on parents. Our target audience will be able to relate to this as they would have most likely endured a similar phone call.
- We can also compare the girls in the production to those in the movie clueless, who are similar to the girls in the production in the sense that they are generally ignorant of real life and are too caught up in their own social lifestyle to be aware of the world around them, which allows for incidence like the kidnapping of our character to occur as the characters are blind to the fact that threats are constantly present in the outside world such as our shady hooded character