Who would be the audience for your media product?
Because we had already taken out a vox pop, an online survey and given people surveys to fill out in real life asking them about film genres and their preferences, we already had an idea of the type of opening we were going to create and who we would want to position it towards. In the screening of our opening, we asked similar questions on a hand out that people could fill in after watching our piece. We also conducted an online survey on our facebook page, (which reached 561 people!) asking what people on social media thought of our final cut.

These are the results we obtained from the screening:
60% of the audience were male and all were within the 15-20 age bracket because of it taking place at school.
Question 1: What film did you see most recently at the cinema?
Question 2: What type of cinema did you see this film at?
Question 3: What kind of genre do you think our film is?
Out of the options Action, Thriller and Horror, Thriller was the unanimous choice.
Question 4: What would you rate our opening out of 10?
Question 5: What do you think was the plot?
Question 6: Would you want to continue watching?
5 answered agree
5 answered strongly agree
Question 7: What was your favourite part of the opening?
Question 8: What was your least favourite part of the opening?
Question 9: Do you feel you can relate to the characters in this film?
8 answered yes, 2 answered no and were both male (which could suggest that because they wouldn't ever worry about something like this they couldn't empathise with the character)
Question 10: Are there any things you think we could improve on?
We only got 17 results from our online survey, of which 76% were female and 23% male.
The majority of people who filled out the survey were between the ages of 15 and 18, which was understandable because of the age of people we are friends with on facebook and who like the page are of a similar age and still at school.
70.59% of people said that they 'strongly agreed' they would continue watching, and 29.41% said they 'agreed', which is incredibly positive results seeing as the survey was anonymous and there was therefore no bias.
From this graph you can see the extremely positive results we have obtained, with the majority of people rating our opening a full 10 out of 10, and none going lower than a 7.
The unanimous choice for the question 'What type of film would you think this opening would lead into' was thriller, which was exactly what we were hoping for.
Here are some examples of how people responded to the question 'If there was anything we could improve on....'

These are the results we obtained from the screening:
60% of the audience were male and all were within the 15-20 age bracket because of it taking place at school.
Question 1: What film did you see most recently at the cinema?
- 'Home'?
- The hobbit
- The imitation game
- The theory of everything
- The theory of everything
- Kingsaren
- Foxcatcher
- Whiplash
- Ex Machina
- How to train your dragon 2
Question 2: What type of cinema did you see this film at?
- Multiplex
- Arthouse
- Multiplex
- Multiplex
- Arthouse
- Arthouse
- Arthouse
- Arthouse
- Multiplex
- Multiplex
Question 3: What kind of genre do you think our film is?
Out of the options Action, Thriller and Horror, Thriller was the unanimous choice.
Question 4: What would you rate our opening out of 10?
- 7
- 9
- 10
- 7
- 7
- 9
- 9
- 8
- 9
- 10
Question 5: What do you think was the plot?
- Girl gets kidnapped
- Party went wrong.. girl left behind.. she got kidnapped..
- Some girls are at a club, and start walking home, but one gets a call from her mum and her friends walk off and leave her in a dark alley way when you see a figure walking towards her
- A girl gets followed after a party and is taken.
- 'Helena' was abducted when she was separated from her friends
- Girl taken by man after party
- Helena is killed, Anna blames herself and spirals into insanity before tracking down the killer and vanquishing evil.
- Girl gets kidnapped after club, other girl remembering what happened.
- Girl gets killed, then friend finds who did it.
- Girl going home from party, girl left behind rapist/kidnap
Question 6: Would you want to continue watching?
5 answered agree
5 answered strongly agree
Question 7: What was your favourite part of the opening?
- The strobe sequence
- The party scene all v.good.. continuity of the shots
- The ending because of the suspense
- Title and music
- The sound effect/phone call with 'Helena' and her mum
- Intro and ending
- The very opening scene
- The flash back transition and ident
- The party scene and music, the opening shot on beach
- Party scene, good. Cinematography, sound.
Question 8: What was your least favourite part of the opening?
- The throwing up scene could have been less... humorous?
- No clue
- /
- /
- /
- That it was a different character in the intro
- The vomit
- The coming out of the club and vomiting shot
- The phone call at the end - the sound was strange
- Intro, seemed irrelevant (different character?) Waves too quiet.
Question 9: Do you feel you can relate to the characters in this film?
8 answered yes, 2 answered no and were both male (which could suggest that because they wouldn't ever worry about something like this they couldn't empathise with the character)
Question 10: Are there any things you think we could improve on?
- Make the charms stand out more (???)
- Nope
- /
- /
- The plot could be a little scarier
- Balance audio
- /
- Audio
- Audio levels
- Opening shot louder waves, phone scene clearer, more contrast
We only got 17 results from our online survey, of which 76% were female and 23% male.
The majority of people who filled out the survey were between the ages of 15 and 18, which was understandable because of the age of people we are friends with on facebook and who like the page are of a similar age and still at school.
70.59% of people said that they 'strongly agreed' they would continue watching, and 29.41% said they 'agreed', which is incredibly positive results seeing as the survey was anonymous and there was therefore no bias.

The unanimous choice for the question 'What type of film would you think this opening would lead into' was thriller, which was exactly what we were hoping for.
Here are some examples of how people responded to the question 'If there was anything we could improve on....'
- Virtually nothing! Perhaps carry sound from club on subtly in background. BPM perhaps halved.
- Genuinely think this a pretty fab opening for a film I would definitely continue watching! Well done dudes
- Soundtrack
- Perhaps more of an ending- build up- suspense- close up of figure coming- slower steps- then quicker steps- however I was scared for the girl though. Wanted her to run after friends.. Party scene was good and the audio was correctly -non descript rhubarbs- but then clear when needed to be.
- No
- Make it longer as so intrigued!
- Nop! I love it.